Companies and organizations are putting loads of money to be green and more specifically TO LOOK GREEN. For example IKEA has many projects running for the sake of being green. One of the most important projects are forest projects. As we can all well imagine, IKEA uses tons of wood for its manufactures, so it most certainly needs to make an effort not to look like the bad guy.
Two of IKEA's distinguished forest projects are called "sow a seed" and "rainforest alliance". To read more you can visit this link:
The question is why are the companies like IKEA doing these acts? Is it because they really are very concerned about the future and the nature? Or is it only to make them look good, to get the prospective customers to forget the flipside of the coin (ie. who is using the wood so there is a need to plant more trees?!) Should the question of greenwash* need to be taken to consideration?
*read more about greenwash on this website!
What do you think about this one?